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Com vocês um UNBOXING do iPhone 3G Branco, com fotos e vídeos...

iPhone 3G White - Unboxing
(com fotos e um vídeo)

Here we are - A gallery of the iPhone 3G in White and some comparisons to the original iPhone 2G. Short version: The iPhone 3G is a bit thicker, a smidge taller, and (most surprisingly) noticeably wider, it feels just as good in the hand because of the curved back. That wider part also means there’s a slight border on the left and right of the screen — but all in all the iPhone 3G is essentially the same slab as the original iPhone.

The plastic backing feels very solid — it’s very hard plastic and though it’s not likely to be as scratch-resistant as the original metal, it’s a damn sight tougher than most smartphone plastic we’ve seen. It is a fingerprint magnet back to front, even in white (though the white hides it better).

The headphone jack is flush (yay) and looks to be well-constructed. Unlike many a smarthphone we’ve used before, there’s no jiggle whatsoever when you plug a headset in. Ok, we’ll say it, the headset jack on Treos would often get busted because the soldier points would fail — that doesn’t look to be a concern here. Also great: Speaker quality and call quality are FAR SUPERIOR to the original iPhone.

We’re going to have much much more throughout the day, including a full hardware review, a full review of the iPhone 2.0 OS, some app reviews, and a new chance for you to win stuff from TiPb. Keep on coming back all day, but for now check out our gallery and unboxing video after the break.

via: The Iphone Blog

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