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ago 12


Eis a quarta versão da lista contendo os lançamentos, "os mais quentes", "os melhores aplicativos pagos" e "os melhores aplicativos grátis" da App Store para o iPhone (Firmware 2.0).

TOP Apps do App Store - IV
(grátis e pagos)

Top Apps - iPhone (v3)


Galcon, from Hassey Enterprises, Inc., is a combination of action and strategy, sending swarms of ships to take over planets against an aggressive AI adversary. An entire game may be over in a matter of minutes, but that depends on your planning and quick-tapping! Get it here for $9.99.

Pocketpedia, from Conor Dearden of Bruji, is an app for keeping track of your media library. Keep track of your DVD collection, video games, books, CDs, etc. Also, access for reviews and to compare prices. Have you loaned out some of your prized media? Keep track of that too! Get it for FREE right here.

On-Core PictureFlip, from On-Core, is a type of puzzle game that modifies a picture you select from your photo library by dividing your picture into a grid of squares, then rotates each square randomly by 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees. Then, it’s your job to rotate the squares to produce your original picture. Choose easy, medium or hard difficulty and start rotating! You can get it here for only $1.99.

What’s Hot

Circulate P., from Lemonquest, S.L., is a new twist on puzzle games. You can tip, turn and twist your iPhone while you explode spheres in a spinning chamber. The “P” is for “Prologue” - a more intense version is yet to come offering over ten different spheres to control. Get your spin on here for .99 cents right here.

Scribble, by Indrajit Khare, is a free scribbling app for your iPhone. Remember your good ‘ol Etch-a-Sketch? Now, doodle with your finger on your iPhone, and do it in color! Then, just shake your iPhone to erase your picture and start again. Change the color of your “pen” and start drawing! Get it for FREE right here.

Cube Runner, by Andy Qua, is a game that takes great advantage of the accelerometer of your iPhone while you pilot a ship through a landscape of dangerous cubes, shooting through the gaps to increase your time and score. Tilt your iPhone and dodge the cubes in this fun and free app. Get it here.

Top Paid Apps

Koi Pond, from Brandon Bogle of The Blimp Pilots, is all about finding some Zen on your iPhone. It turns the screen of your iPhone into a pool of water, where fish swim and plants live. The koi swim around the screen and react to your touches on the water’s surface. Create ripples and splashes, causing the koi to scatter. Don’t worry - they will return once the waters calm. Get it here for .99 cents.

Ambiance, from Matt Coneybeare, is another app with achieving peace and Zen in mind. Just like it’s name, this app is designed to provide an audio ambiance so you can be more productive, relax, or sleep. With several different background sounds to choose from, you can find the background noise that’s just right for you to fall asleep, get your work done without distraction, or just relax in a noisy place. Headphone recommended. Get it here for .99 cents.

TouchScan, from Markus Stöbe, is an app that simulates a scan of your fingerprint resulting in a brain-scan. You can customize this app for the desired results: lie detector, mental magic, or proposals. It’s the perfect app to have a little fun with the more gullible people in your life. Get it here for .99 cents.

Top Free Apps

reMovem (free), from Matthew Martel of Mundue LLC, is formally known as JawBreaker and, as promised by the developer, will forever be free of charge. Just tap at least two or more adjacent colored balls to select, tap again to remove. Removing larger groups of balls at once will give you a higher score. Download it here for FREE.

Hangman, by James Addyman of JamSoft, brings the classic word-guessing game to your iPhone. Incorrect letters result in your eventual hanging, but you get extra chances due to the game building the gallows first, then the man. New words have been added, bringing the total to 230. Get it here for FREE.

Paper Football Lite, from the folks at Jirbo, Inc., is a paper football app requiring no school desk and no paper! Ahhh, the memories of spirited games of paper football with my friends on lazy school-day afternoons, waiting for the bell to ring. Play against another human or against your iPhone. Flick the football across the table, score, and kick the paperskin through the finger uprights for the extra point! Get it here for FREE.

via: The iPhone Blog

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