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Segue abaixo uma matéria feita pelo Mobility Site, onde ele monstram várias fotos e um pequeno vídeo do:

Samsung Glyde

Samsung Glyde

I get dozens of of emails asking me to take a look at some fancier, non Windows Mobile phones like the Blackberry and others. That said, i’ve taken the time to look at a couple. The experience when trying one of these phones out is weird at 1st since I am a noob to the new OS. Anyhow, the Glyde is a fancy, touch screen “feature phone” and I really enjoyed carrying it for a few days. I missed having my push email, but the phone experience was very nice.

Fotos e vídeo do Samsung Glyde:

glyde-025 TiltGlydeM810 GlydeonTop GlydevsiPhone2 GlydevsPearl2 GlydevsCentro2

GlydevsVu2 GlydevsVu GlydevsiPhone GlydevsCentro GlydevsPearl battery

Back Side Front inhand2 Inhand Keyboard

Keyboard In the Box

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